Monday, December 6, 2010

Heading home...finally!

We are packing up and heading out in a few minutes. After a 1.5 hour trip to Amsterdam we should be on Amercian soil this evening.
Emily and Andy are going to greet us at home. We are going to be so exhausted because it will be 4am Holland time when we get there.
A few things I'm looking forward to:
-American food. The novelty of Dutch food wore off 2 days ago
-English- I really want to know what everyone is talking about
-my bed- I know I bitch a lot about my sleep number bed but I guess I really do love it. I miss my pillows too.
-my family- I miss my mom the most but I miss everyone
-my Internet- I know, pathetic.
-my Christmas- although I have enjoyed experiencing Sinterklaas, I am ready for my Santa Claus! I want to decorate, shop, eat and celebrate the American way. These guys don't know how to decorate!
See all of you guys on the other side of the pond! Xoxo

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Sunday, December 5, 2010

2 alphas = one pissed off mommy

It was bound to happen eventually. It was only a matter of when.

Today we spend our last afternoon in Holland hosting a few friends at Oma and Opa's home. First, Charlotte and her daughter, Jasmijn, came for coffee and cookies. Jasmijn and the boys had a blast playing in Oma's tiny living room. It was getting to be a bit too stressful. Thijs broke a big hurricane candle holder and Oma was on edge.
Soon after they left, Patrick and Esther stopped by with their baby, Emee, for lunch and tea. Lunch was spilt pea and ham soup and the boys had a cheese sandwich.
Thijs brought me into the kitchen and asked for some chips. Not seeing anything wrong with eating chips with his cheese sandwich, I prepared a small bowl for the boys to share.
That is when the sh*t hit the fan! Oma freaked out on me, raising her voice saying that chips were NOT good for the boys, refusing to let them eat it and totally yelling at me in front of their guests. Of course I tell her that neither are the cookies they are letting them eat all day long while she fills them with chocolate milk!! The gloves were off. Oh man. I was biting my tongue. Thank god she doesn't speak English because I probably do not want to know what she is saying to me. But if looks could kill, mine were choking her to death!
You could hear a pin drop in that room. Luckily, my husband spoke up and told his mother it was not her place and to mind her own business.
My eyes were again filling with tears. Everyone was talking (in Dutch) about the situation and I have no idea if I was the wrong or if she was.
Finally we leave and I was able to vent to Eric about the situation. Thank god I have an English speaking ally. I'm glad he stood up for me.
Our cultures are very different not to mention the generations so she thinks completely different than we do. And what is right and wrong are usually very different.
There is still a bit of tension in the room (at the moment) but it is sure to pass once our departure grows near.
I think our time in Holland has been over extended and I am ready to be home!!
So, two alpha dogs in a small cage are sure to start a fight at some point.

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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Snow, snow and more snow!

Today marks the 4th day this week that we have received a substantial amount of snow. We haven't been able to do a whole lot due to the road conditions. Just driving to Eric's parents house everyday is a stressful ordeal.
Today we met Eric's sister, Cora, at the mall in Hellevoetsluis. It was crazy busy because today is their christmas eve with tomorrow being December 5th. All through the mall the boys were chased by the Zwarte Pietes (Black Peters) filling their pockets hats and anything they could find with kruidnootjeas (gingerbread) and candy. So cool! Here are a few pictures of us trying to drive and shopping today:

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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Snow Day

This morning we woke up to lots and lots of snow. So we got dressed and jumped in the car to head to Oma and Opa's house. We have been pretty busy all week so we thought today would be a perfect "Snow day". After lunch, Eric had to drive his parents to appointments leaving the boys and I at home alone. They were going absolutely stir crazy so we went for a walk. Of course we had to hit up the snack bar followed by the toy store.
We borrowed a wooden sled from a friend and tried sledding but it only lasted about 10 seconds per child before they were wet, cold and ready to go back inside. I managed to get one picture out of it before they were scared to go near the sled again.
As the day is progressing Eric and I are getting more and more snippy with each other signaling that we are getting sick of being cooped up in the house all day. Everyone is on edge and restless and the boys keep taking cheap shots at one another with their fists.
Time to go. But before we leave I have to load my computer up with somegood ol' American television. I am so sick of this sh*tty dutch television, I want some REAL TV!
Of course, I shouldn't complain. It may be a while before I ever see a snow day like this again! :)
Here are a few pictures of our day so far:

Eric doing donuts in Ouddorp:

Our car this morning
Thijs on the sled
Headed to the snack bar
Frikindel Speciale and Potat Speciale of course!! :)
Trees on our drive to Oostvoorne from Ouddorp

The bridge iced over:

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

It's not a vacation until someone pukes

We went shopping in Rotterdam today. After lunch we stopped at an outdoor cafe to enjoy a hot waffle. So here we are sitting in the freezing cold when this homeless looking man came and sat with us.
Thijs quickly noticed something wasn't right with this guy. So he speaks up, loudly:

Thijs: "Hey! You have snot hanging out of your nose!" pointing at the mans face.

Man: "no I don't!" (yes, he did and ew)

Thijs: "Yes you do and I can see it!"

Man: "no I don't" taking a bite of his food.

Thijs: "Now its touching your finger!!!"

Gerrit: "hhhhuuuuuurrrlllllllllll!!" all over the mall floor!

Thijs to the man: "ewww! THAT'S GROSS"

The man to Eric "that smells good" referring to the puke (not knowing this was all his fault)

You can just say that Eric and I were laughing so hard that people were staring and wondering why we are laughing at our child puking everywhere!!
This was a moment when we both wish the camera was rolling!

We managed to clean it up but not without shedding a few tears while doing it.

This is also a better story told in person. If you ever run into us please ask us to tell the puke story!

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