Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Turkey Day Dilemma

In true Allison Mol spirit, I have started to worry over something that is now out of my control. Maybe someone out there can help. I thought about calling 1-800-BUTTERBALL but I don't think even they can help! :(

As you may know, we (me,my husband and 2 small kiddies) are leaving for Holland the day before Thanksgiving (24th). In the past, I have become rather upset, weepy and depressed when I cannot be with my family (my mommy) on Turkey Day. I love Thanksgiving and all the fixings. I love the certain feeling that is in the air on that day. The chill, changing leaves, delicious homemade food, everything in town shut down so you can focus on giving thanks, and, of course, family. It is also the one day that I can get my kids together for a family photo to include in our Christmas cards.
Knowing that I will be apart from my family and will be extremely jet lagged, I am anticipating a full on melt down in front of the dutch side of my family. They will not be very sympathetic because obviously they do not understand the importance of Thanksgiving (it's an American holiday, for those of you confused haha)
So I came up with a plan to prepare Thanksgiving for The Mols. Let little ol' me show them how we celebrate Thanksgiving in the United States. Great idea right? Um, not really.
You see, for some unexplained reason, my mother in-law does not own an oven! Oh yeah, add microwave to that list! Only a stove. She is in her late 60's and has survived her entire life without these two staples of a traditional kitchen! That means no pumpkin pie, green bean casserole, sweet potato soufflé, sweet rolls or even a roasted turkey!! This is assuming I can even get my hands on the ingredients (anyone know how to smuggle a frozen turkey in my suitcase?)
So here is my dilemma, how in the hell do you prepare Thanksgiving dinner without an oven?
Or should I just put my big girl pants on and say screw it??
Any suggestions would be helpful!


  1. Crock Pot?

    Or maybe one of those like dutch ovens that has a lid that you could cook the heck outta that bird?

    OR you can deep fry a turkey.

    I dunno.

  2. Ohhh Good idea. I am doubting they would have a Crock Pot but maybe a neighbor will that we can borrow. "Dutch Oven" now thats irony! haha

  3. Oh yeah... Deep Fry it! I still say you should put it on a stick and camp sire the darn thing... AHAHAHAAHAH!!
