Thursday, December 2, 2010

Snow Day

This morning we woke up to lots and lots of snow. So we got dressed and jumped in the car to head to Oma and Opa's house. We have been pretty busy all week so we thought today would be a perfect "Snow day". After lunch, Eric had to drive his parents to appointments leaving the boys and I at home alone. They were going absolutely stir crazy so we went for a walk. Of course we had to hit up the snack bar followed by the toy store.
We borrowed a wooden sled from a friend and tried sledding but it only lasted about 10 seconds per child before they were wet, cold and ready to go back inside. I managed to get one picture out of it before they were scared to go near the sled again.
As the day is progressing Eric and I are getting more and more snippy with each other signaling that we are getting sick of being cooped up in the house all day. Everyone is on edge and restless and the boys keep taking cheap shots at one another with their fists.
Time to go. But before we leave I have to load my computer up with somegood ol' American television. I am so sick of this sh*tty dutch television, I want some REAL TV!
Of course, I shouldn't complain. It may be a while before I ever see a snow day like this again! :)
Here are a few pictures of our day so far:

Eric doing donuts in Ouddorp:

Our car this morning
Thijs on the sled
Headed to the snack bar
Frikindel Speciale and Potat Speciale of course!! :)
Trees on our drive to Oostvoorne from Ouddorp

The bridge iced over:

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